The constitution of Duke Habitat for Humanity: A student organization at Duke University as recognized by Durham Habitat for Humanity

Article 1: Name

This organization shall be known as Duke Habitat for Humanity and shall be abbreviated as Duke Habitat when space or context dictate.

Article 2: Mission

The mission of Duke Habitat is to support Durham Habitat for Humanity in its mission to foster decent, affordable housing in the Durham area.

Duke Habitat seeks to accomplish this mission by raising enough funds to sponsor at least one home-ownership per year, by serving as campus representatives for Habitat for Humanity in general, and by advocating for its cause through fundraising and idea-disseminating events.

Duke Habitat will have three main functions:

  1. Serve as a link to Durham Habitat for Humanity by allowing Duke students to attend builds throughout the community.
  2. Be a source of revenue for Durham Habitat for Humanity by hosting fundraising events and aiding in writing grants.
  3. Provide tutoring services to the children living in the homes that we sponsor throughout the years so as to give more than just a house to these families.

Article 3: Members

All undergraduate and graduate students at Duke University are eligible for membership. The organization shall be composed of an elected executive board (outlined below) and general body members. Members must notify the co-presidents in order to be listed on the official roster. No interview or formal application is necessary.

Article 4: Non-Discrimination

Duke Habitat adheres to the policy of non-discrimination and harassment as set forth in Duke’s Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Misconduct. Discrimination and/or harassment based upon race, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, genetic information, age, disability, or veteran status is prohibited.

Article 5: Officers and Their Duties

Any member of Duke Habitat can become an officer after active club participation or expressed interest. Officers shall be elected annually in the Spring semester by a majority vote of the membership and shall take office thirty (30) days prior to the end of the semester. The officers of this organization shall be:

Co-Presidents (2)